
Coming Attraction

Netflix has a couple features that allows its users to write comments about the films they've rented. One feature is a complete user profile that allows users to write full-on reviews of any movie. Another is a "my two cents" feature that allows users to read mini-reviews by other users who are in their Netflix Friends group. Even if no one writes a mini-review, you can at least see how you're friend has rated a particular movie.

My review of Crash has drawn some chatter both online and offline. So, a new feature on the AYB has been born: Carl's Netflix reviews. I will cull past Netflix reviews, two-cents reviews and reviews of recently-rented materials -- all for your reading pleasure and, more importantly, to assist you in your rental selection for the near future -- and post a few each week.

More importantly, I really want some feedback on each review so we can have a forum for lively discussion. I know many of you who regularly read the AYB, and I know you have interesting things to say, so say them in response to my film review.

Oh, and send an F-U to Hollywood by signing up for Netflix
. Why pay the price to see two movies at a theater every month when you could conceivably rent 30 DVDs for the same price?


Blogger Coolhand complained...

Why pay for a movie ticket? Answer: V For Vendetta.

C'mon, you know you want to!

3/22/2006 10:08 AM
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Anonymous Anonymous complained...

What? Hollywood is making money off Netflix. You think Netflix is some kind of renegade operation? It's just another rental outlet but with a different fee system and a delivery service.

The movies you are renting ALL came out in the theater at one point in time, so it's the same product. You're just choosing not to see the product at the optimal level.

3/27/2006 1:14 PM
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Blogger Carl complained...

I agree with that, however Netflix is a providing another way for consumers to see movies without leaving their home.

Even if it's not the most convenient (I think On-Demand is), it probably is the most valuable for consumers since it provides enormous selection and quantity.

I don't think Hollywood makes nearly enough money through rentals as they do through theater distribution.

3/27/2006 1:27 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous complained...

They make the most off DVD sales, because they don't have to split the profits with the theater owners. It's rare for any movie to make its money back on theater tickets alone, except for the biggest of blockbusters or the rare low-budget film that taps into the zeitgeist (Fahrenheit 911, Big Fat Greek Wedding, Passion of the Christ, etc.).

Netflix makes sense for the studios because 1, it is still a rental outfit, which means they are only lending their product to the consumer (unless, of course, you are using the service to run your personal bootlegging operation - "Do I look like a pirate?"). 2nd, it is free advertising for their DVD product: Movies you otherwise would have never seen and never considered buying are now made available for preview.

I know some of you are saying, "Hey, but why would I ever buy a DVD if I can always re-queue it? I'll be part of Netflix forever! Well, this is assuming that Netflix's current business model will stay unchanged. But that is like Tivo's once dominant position in the DVR market - because they had a monopoly, they forced consumers to pay for their unnecessary "service." There is nothing preventing Netflix from raising their prices in the future, or increase their throttling tactics. I consider the 17.99 price they're selling now to be kind of like the "AOL FREE MONTH" or "amazon.com $10 coupon" promotions of the past, designed to attract new members and attain mass usership. Don't be surprised when they announce the new 3-movie fee is $19.99.

Then I'll look forward to seeing you at the library!

3/28/2006 1:58 AM
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