
Dodging a Bullet

I was pleased to discover today that I have not seen any of the movies on the Rotten Tomatoes Worst of the Worst Pictures list. Most of the movies on the list are from the last 10 years, so I'm not sure if that means that the last 10 years have been really bad for overall quality, or if it's teh fact that most of RT's review catalog comes from the last 10 years worth of releases.

I do have a few of the titles in my Netflix queue, so I might have to revisit my decision. Deuces Wild might get the heave-ho, but I'd have trouble parting with A Man Apart, given my documented man-crush on Vin Diesel.


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I tell you, I don't know anymore if I'm on foot or horseback, or if a bird's alive or dead.

I'm not sure why there's all this critical hate for John from Cincinnati, but I'm sticking with it after ONE episode. I don't have the time nor the inclination, but I'd like to review what all the critics said about Deadwood after its first episode.

I'm interested to know exactly what John is doing in Imperial Beach (if that's ever explained during the life of the series) and if/how it's related to Mitch's ability to float 5 inches off the ground at random moments. If anything, we should all watch just for the character interactions and David Milch's magnificent dialog.


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Don't Stop

The first 58 minutes had me nervous, the next 3 minutes gave me palpitations, and the following 5 seconds were the longest five seconds in my life, and all the time since has been contemplatively blissful.

My prediction for the end of the Sopranos was that Tony would end up alone -- not necessarily by the death of everyone in his family or his Family, but more likely the sociopath in him would have completely taken over, creating an irreparable rift between him, his wife, children and other associates. It appears I was wrong -- my theory applies more to the ending for Uncle Junior's part of the story, and I think it's fitting that Tony settled things with him as best he could, before realizing that his own uncle has no idea what "this thing of ours" is anymore.

No, Tony had a much simpler ending than that -- life goes on: always looking over his shoulder (or towards the door of the diner), at risk of indictment, members of his crew willing and able to flip -- or worse, his wife perpetually pissed off at one of his indiscretions, and a passive-aggressive relationship with his son. Isn't that how the show started? Why wouldn't it end that way?

If anything, the only other people to get whacked last night were you and me -- and just like Tony and Bobby talked about in "Soprano Home Movies", we never saw it coming.


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